Cause Of Obesity

Today two-thirds of adults and nearly one-third of children struggle with overweight and obesity. Obesity is not just an appearance concern; it is the excessive body fat that can increase the risk other diseases and health problems. Whether someone is obese or not depends on their Body Mass Index (BMI); 25 to 29.9 is overweight, 30+ is obese, and 40+ is extremely obese. There is no single cause of all overweight and obesity. There is no single approach that can help prevent or treat overweight and obesity. However, over the years, people have gathered more information about this disease and come up with multiple reason why people are obese. The number one cause of obesity is the fact that people are not eating a healthy diet and not exercising enough. It is easy to go out and grab some fast food with our busy schedule. A healthy diet is not just about having more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, it’s also about maintaining a balanced diet, moderation, and portion control. By consuming more fatty and sugary foods but more burning them off, creates a buildup of fats in the body. Hence, this leads to overweight, high BMI, and also obesity.

The environment that we live in and the culture we practice also play a role in obesity. Large portions of food are energy that is consumed into the body; however, not enough energy is burned out. When everyone around us is eating the same portion, the same unhealthy food, and doing similar activities, it is hard to just listen to your body and think how much it really needs. This leads to overeating, inactive lifestyle, and also mindless eating. When parents are obese, the children are more likely to be obese in the future. This is because children adopt their parents’ behavior. A child is more likely to have symptoms of obesity if his parents are overweight, eating high calories food, unhealthy diet, and inactive.

Obesity may not seem like a crucial disease like cancer, but it is as deadly as any diseases out there. Obesity can increase a person’s risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing problems, and even cancer. It important to take note of the causes of obesity and recognize them so that being obese will not be the next common disease. Having a healthy diet, going outdoors and staying active, changing the portion size and mindless eating habits, and starting a new healthy lifestyle can not only prevent you from being obese but also reduce your risk to other sickness and disease as well as creating a healthier body for a better life.

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