20 Outstanding Descriptive Essay Writing Ideas

Descriptive essays are so easy to write that you might not even feel like you are completing an assignment. This type of paper allows you to use vivid verbs, descriptive adverb and adjective phrases, and clever sentence structures to share the sensory details of any person, place, thing, or idea. To ensure that you truly enjoy writing your descriptive essay, you need to choose an outstanding topic. Here are 20 ideas to get your imagination moving:

  1. How it feels to win an award
  2. The sensations of visiting a grandparent in a retirement community
  3. The worries of being lost in a city
  4. How it feels during a small moment of a bad day
  5. The sensations of riding in an airplane
  6. The sights and smells of a camping trip
  7. The most beautiful flower bouquet you have ever seen
  8. The sensations of visiting a museum, but do not write about the exhibits
  9. The description of the end of a local 5K race
  10. How a nervous person feels when meeting new people
  11. The sensations of waiting in a line at an amusement park
  12. How it feels to wear an ornate costume
  13. A thorough description of your first apartment without using the sense of sight
  14. A graduation ceremony from the perspective of an eight-year-old child in the audience
  15. The challenges of learning a new language from an audio program
  16. How it feels to give a speech
  17. How it feels to shop for antiques at an outdoor show
  18. Vividly describe your lucky charm without saying exactly what the charm is
  19. The experiences of taking a hot yoga class
  20. A vivid description of the perfect weather

Paint a Vivid Picture

When you are tasked with writing a descriptive essay, your goal is to paint a vivid picture for your audience. Your description should cover the sights, sounds, smells, and when appropriate the senses of touch and taste, too. In some cases, you can have fun writing by taking out the sensation that is the most obvious, like the sense of sight.

Write with Cohesion to Help the Reader Understand

Also, as you write the descriptive essay, be sure that you include paragraphs that are concise and cohesive to help your readers understand what sensations are related to each other. Use precise transitions to give your readers an even better understanding of the space that your person, place, thing, or idea is filling, too.

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