Fifteen Strong Argumentative Essay Topics About Veterans

An argumentative essay is the kind of paper where the write has to convince his audience of his ideas by taking a stance and using strong logical and factual data to support this stance. This type of assignment will persuade your readers of your ideas and convince them that you are right. If you are not able to convince the audience of your point, then there you will not succeed with writing an argumentative paper. You need to use strong evidence, concrete examples, valid data, and reliable stats to support the argument you are making in your paper. Your thesis statement will be your major stance in the paper and you can divide it into equal parts to create the major arguments for the body of your assignment.

The topic of your assignment must be something arguable. You should not pick something that does not have the flexibility for disagreement. It is important for the audience to agree or disagree to your stance in order for you to persuade them with your knowledge. It is therefore important that you carefully pick a topic for your paper and take a stance on it. Try to pick something that you are passionate about so that you have enough ideas to write about and do not run out of motivation during the writing process. Here is a list of argumentative prompts you can use for writing an essay on veterans.

Topics you can choose for an argumentative essay on veterans

  1. The rising case of suicide rates in the military officers who return from War in Vietnam or Iraq
  2. The health facilities available to officers and senior militants when at war zones
  3. The insurance and other benefits for the family of the veteran if he dies fighting for his country
  4. The posting of military personnel in hard core areas like war and terrorism
  5. What is the gain and loss out of the war on terrorism fought by major nations of the world
  6. Is it fair for veterans to have enough supply of alcohols when they are at war
  7. The case of injured and seriously handicapped veterans
  8. The mental health issues with military officers
  9. Assisted suicide or suicide post war
  10. Post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans
  11. Increased incomes for war survivors
  12. Promotions
  13. Risking a life
  14. Sending convicts to war zones
  15. Depression in veterans

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